Hepatitis A is an acute infectious disease caused by infection with hepatitis ‘A’ virus that causes inflammation and disrupts the liver’s normal functioning.

It is one of the five known hepatitis (A, B, C, D, and E) viruses. Children or adults can get this disease. Hepatitis A virus infection, in many cases, shows no symptoms, especially in children. Again in some cases, some symptoms are seen.

There is usually an interval of two to six weeks between infection and symptoms and lasts approximately eight weeks after the onset of symptoms. Symptoms include fever, lower abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and yellowing of the skin. In some cases, the symptoms may return within six months after the initial infection. Mild or mild hepatitis A does not require much treatment. In general, those who suffer from this disease recover in most cases without any liver damage. In some cases, severe liver failure can occur, especially in the elderly. Consumption of contaminated food and water and contact with an infected person can actually cause the disease.

# How to spread:
It can usually be spread through food or water contaminated by infected feces. It can also be caused by eating cooked or served food, living or traveling in a severely infected area with hepatitis A, taking blood from a person infected with hepatitis A, smoking or taking any drugs, or having close contact or contact with an infected person. Can spread.

#Symptoms of hepatitis A:
In many cases, the virus is infected, but no symptoms are seen, especially in children. Again, when children are infected, in most cases, they do not show any symptoms, but they can infect others. Hepatitis A usually does not show any signs or symptoms until one month after being infected with the virus. If symptoms do appear, they last about eight weeks. Symptoms include feeling tired, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, yellowing of skin and eyes, lower abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fever, muscle aches, itching, dark-colored urine, etc.

# Required tests:
Since the symptoms of hepatitis A are similar to those of many other diseases, blood tests are needed to diagnose them.

# Treatment:
In the case of children, it is usually not so dangerous. Once infected, a person develops immunity to the disease for the rest of his or her life. There is no specific treatment for this disease. The doctor may recommend rest and medication for nausea or diarrhea if necessary. The disease is usually completely cured, and there are no liver problems. In some cases, especially in the elderly, severe liver failure can be treated with a liver transplant.

Since there is no specific treatment for hepatitis A, doctors tell patients with hepatitis A to be careful about certain things. E.g.-

* Adequate rest should be taken.
* Boil water well and drink it cold.
* Drink plenty of water or liquid food.
* If you do not want to eat anything due to nausea, you should eat light and easily digestible food in small portions throughout the day.
* Smoking, alcohol, or any other drug should be avoided.
* Need to take nutritious food. Eat a balanced diet such as vegetables and fruits and get enough sleep.
* Food should be boiled well while cooking.
* Do not eat stale or rotten food.
* It is better not to eat hotel food.
* Hands should be washed well before cooking.
* Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap before eating and after using the toilet.
* The infected person should refrain from cooking or serving food.
* In addition to taking medication as advised by the doctor, regular contact with him should be maintained.

#What to do to prevent hepatitis:

* You have to clean your hands well again and again.
* Cooking food properly.
* Hepatitis A vaccine should be given to prevent the Hepatitis A virus.
* Extreme caution should be exercised when traveling or living in areas severely infected with hepatitis ‘A.’
* Raw fruits, vegetables, and other foods should be washed well and eaten sterile.
* Must drink pure water and always eat hot food.
* Cooked or served food should not be eaten by the infected person.
* Cannot be in contact with or have sexual intercourse with an infected person.
* If blood is needed for any reason, the donor’s blood should be tested well.
* Smoking, alcohol, or any drugs should be avoided.

# Hepatitis A vaccine:
THE Hepatitis A vaccine is very effective in preventing hepatitis A. Once vaccinated, it lasts a lifetime. It is regularly recommended for children and for people who have not been vaccinated before in some countries.

#Complications of Hepatitis A infection:
In many cases, the disease gets better on its own. In some patients, the symptoms of hepatitis A last longer than normal or return after the symptoms have improved. In some cases, liver function is reduced, or the liver may become dysfunctional, especially in the elderly.

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