If the pores or pores of the face are big, your beautiful face becomes dirty. Because of the dust on the outside or the remnants of makeup, when the pores get bigger, everything starts to accumulate deep in the skin, and its inevitable result is acne or acne. And how much we do to solve this pores problem. However, there is an easy solution to this pore problem in today’s article, and that is the use of sour yogurt.

So let’s find out without delay the use of sour yogurt to solve the mouth’s pores.


Quantitative sour yogurt

How to use:

(1) Apply a thin layer of sour curd all over the face and leave it for ten minutes.

(2) Then rinse with a splash of cold water. You can understand the difference only if you do it once a week.

The lactic acid in yogurt no longer allows the probiotic bacteria to infect the hair follicles. Then use sour yogurt today to solve the problem of pores without delay.

Yogurt Moisturize for Skin:

The end of winter. At this time, the sun, dust, and dirt cause much damage to the skin. In rough weather, the skin becomes dry and tight. For this, it is necessary to clean, toning, and moisturizing the skin every day. To give the right moisturizer to the skin, you can make your own moisturizer pack without buying chemical ingredients from the market. And in today’s article, there is a moisturizer of yogurt. Just as yogurt has health benefits, it also has many benefits in hair care.

Let’s find out without delay how to make yogurt moisturizer for the skin.


(1) Yogurt

(2) Honey

(3) Lemon juice

(4) Papaya paste

Method of preparation and use:

(1) Mix half a cup with a few drops of honey. Add some papaya paste and a few drops of lemon juice.

(2) Then apply it on the face and wash it off after half an hour. It will moisturize your skin.

So why delay and moisturize your skin today with yogurt.

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