The beginning of summer The end of winter and. This time on the skin after the most stress. This time can not be taken care of winter, not taken care of in summer—worship of human beauty. Anything beautiful attracts everyone, and this beautiful thing suits women the most. And so in today’s article, there are some simple and effective beauty tips.

Let’s know some simple, effective beauty tips.

(1) Sweat on oily skin makes a face look black. In this case, mix oatmeal and lemon juice and apply it to the face for half an hour. with cold water, Wash your face; after half an hour.

(2) To increase the radiance of the skin, chew anise 15 grams daily. In a short time, the blood will be purified, and the skin will become radiant.

(3) There is an herbal form to bring instant beauty to the face. Mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of honey and apply it to the face and throat. After fifteen minutes, rinse with cold water. It will keep your face wet.

(4) To get rid of excessive dryness, apply honey, milk, and bean paste on the face regularly. The wrinkles on the skin will be removed. Simultaneously, remove the brown spots on the face, apply ripe papaya on the face and then wash it off.

(5) Rub apple peel on hands and feet to keep the beauty of hands and feet intact. The hands and feet will look much whiter. If the ankle is cracked, apply onion paste on this place.

(6) To get rid of pigmentation or black spots, mix potato, lemon, and cucumber juice and mix half a teaspoon of glycerin in it and apply it on the skin where the spots are.

(7) If there is a black stain on the lips, wipe the lips by soaking cotton in raw milk. If you do this regularly, the black spots on the lips will go up. To remove the black spots on the elbows, rub the lemon peel well with sugar. The elbow will be soft. The stain will go away, and

Also, mixing tomato juice and milk and applying it to the face will reduce sunburn.

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